When I was blogwalking, I found the article that say that many UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) has been reported to be seen. When people allow their minds to wander without the reigns of reason, UFO story can spread fastly. While the weirdest UFO information ever gathered would require a many of additional evidence to be professionally accepted, it can for now be used to provide anecdotal information about past and present-day cultures.
UFO and Ancient Stories
Some say that UFO related to the historical documentation of UFO sightings (Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III, who reigned Egypt around 1504-1450 B.C). The Egyptian papyrus described a fleet of flying saucers darting through the sky. The papyrus included many details of the event, including the date. It was in 1522 BC, on the third month of winter and the 6th hour of the day that a group of Egyptian scribes (of the House of Life) witnessed what were fire-breathing rods in the sky that came with a foul odor. Some myths say that Great Piramid in the Egypt was created by the UFO (waw!). Some say Ezekiel of the Bible witnessed UFOs, as he claimed to see a great vehicle in the sky with chimera-like occupants - although a drug trip is a much more likely explanation for this one.

Even before humans did much documenting, their weird evidence suggested alien contact: an Italian cave painting, dated 10,000 BCE, depicts two apparently floating humanoid figures. The figures don what look like domed helmets, and appear to be holding strange implements. Could UFOs have visited earth long before humans even learned to write?
The Bermuda Triangle
Drawn most often between the three corners of Miami, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda, the Bermuda Triangle is popularly known as the location of frequent violations of physics, as well as aircraft and ship disappearances, in strikingly high numbers. Since UFO sightings have also been reported in the area, UFOs are commonly blamed for such atypical events.

In 1495, Chris Columbus was the first to report strange activity - he and his crew witnessed "dancing lights" on the horizon, which may have actually been native campfires. Since then, ships and airplanes have reported strange lights and compass malfunctions (in which the needle spun), before finally losing contact with the shore, their radios cut off. Most of them never seen again.
Hurricanes, natural magnetic anomalies, rising methane deposits, and freakishly large waves have been cited by investigators, as well as possible piracy and deliberate destruction. Even the confirmation bias, the tendency we have to accept only those facts which confirm a pattern (and not those which disconfirm it) can be blamed for the apparently anomalous Bermuda Triangle disappearance frequency. Still, few members of the common citizenry would be completely unnerved when taking a cruise through Bermuda Triangle waters.
Some of the strangest tales that I find amusing in UFO that mutilated the cows and marked them with the floresant paint. These cows were cut open with precise and neat incisions. Tissue around the cut would show that the cuts were created with lasers. Doctors and officials who examined the area where the animal died always confirmed that there was no evidence of any struggle. Animals near the dead corpse were known to become fearful and grow agitated. They would not go near the corpse, not even scavengers.
No one can explain who is doing this to our live stock. No one can say why it is being done. A lot of people will confess that they believe it is aliens and that the aliens are doing this for knowledge. Their using our animals to conduct experiments and study our behavior and lives.
Whatever one believes, alien or not, you have to admit that this is one bizarre story that will keep the world guessing.We’re just kids that want to spend our life to admire this “crazy interesting” world…
Reference: http://www.helium.com
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