Thank you for being my mother

A Mothers Love
To some love is just a word
To me it's a feeling, A feeling
I get everytime I look into your eyes
A feeling I get when I realize you're my mom
A mom who loves, shares, A mom who inspires
What's that?
That's love
A mothers love, but only you would know
And me..
You returned that love time and time again
Possibly to much, nevertheless you did
Thank-you for being there when I needed you most
For being my rock when I should have been yours
Thank-you for believing in me, even when I doubted myself
For being the one person I could trust
No matter what, no matter where
But most of all thank-you for being you-my mom
A mom I am so proud to claim
I love you
Now and forever...

Untukku ini hanyalah sebuah pasir di tengah pantai..

bagiku engkau sudah seperti ibuku sendiri... ibu yang melindungiku, menyayangiku..

engkau adalah alasan untuk aku selalu melakukan yang terbaik..

Bahkan disaat yang paling sulit pun engkau selalu ada..
Mungkin aku hanya bermimpi untuk memiliki ibu sepertimu, tapi mengapa begitu terasa kasihmu untukku dan keluargaku??

Thank you..

thank you for being my mother, Tante Liliana...

or should I called you Mom now???

Penulis : Lucky Kurniawan ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Thank you for being my mother ini dipublish oleh Lucky Kurniawan pada hari 2009-11-11. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 3 komentar: di postingan Thank you for being my mother


  1. This is so beautiful and moving ;_;
    Mothers' love is the purest love in the world. What could we do without them? :')

  2. @ fulmine, yeah.. without the mother, we are nothing..

    let's say again together. thanks Mom..


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