
"A man admits when he wrong and stands his ground if he's right." -Unknown

Mungkin benar bahwa Tuhan memang adil, bahwa karma itu ada saya percaya,
bahwa apa yang saya tabur, itu juga yang saya tuai.
bahwa setiap air mata yang telah kamu teteskan untuk saya.
itu berubah menjadi kutukan yang menyakitkan, kembali bagi saya.

Manusia memang eksis dengan segala bentuk egoisme dan kesombongan.
bahwa saya tidak pernah mengakuinya.
bahwa segala bentuk perhatian dan kasih sayang kamu kepada saya terkadang tidak berarti apa-apa.
bahwa setiap tangis kamu, saya tidak mempedulikannya.
Ironis memang, bagaimana terkadang saya kasihan justru kepada diri saya sendiri.
saya kelabui diri saya sendiri.
saya abu-abu.

kepura-puraan saya, bahwa saya sungguh memerlukan kamu disaat saya sedang sendiri.
disaat tidak ada seorangpun yang mau menemani saya selain kamu,
dimana kita berbagi kisah dan kita berdansa tanpa ada sebuah musik pun yang mengalun.
disaat kamu aman di pelukan saya,
Itu kisah semu saya.

Maafkan saya, It's hard to remember that i did this in your past.
I shall never be forgiven.
Forgiving someone who has wronged you,
betrayed you, is a very hard thing to do.
But if we're meant to be together in one place when we meet.
would you play your song for me?
song that i will always memorize all the time.
and forgive me for all i've done?

His Story

He is in a total rage, hits his hand away and leaves a burning mark of a slap on his own face.

He sighs.

He cries.

He puts the photo back to his pocket.

He pulls his hand back under the blanket.

He turns off the light, and sleeps.

He turns on the light, and sits up.

He's asleep.

He lost sleep.

He regrets treating him the way she treated him.

He cried again, and thought about a lot of things.

He wants to wake her up.

He wants to have a talk with her.

He doesn't want to push her anymore.

He slips the photo out. He wanted to cry, and he wanted to laugh.

It's a nicely taken photo of her.

He smiled. He was just pretending to be asleep.

Do you know the place between sleep and awake?

The place where you can still remember dreaming?

that's where I will always love you.that's where I will be waiting....



The person you hate most/ caused you a lot of pain

You gotta love livin', baby, 'cause dyin' is a pain in the ass.
Frank sinatra

this writing goes to you.
lady in my dream.. lady of my sunshine
this is not yearning of being lose you.
this is not all the pain i've felt before.
this is just the part of them.

when you saying something i can't understand
with my heart and my mind.
when you are never be there when i'm sad.
though i will still here be with you.
for ever.

yet i know love is not a calculation
of how much i give all i have to you.
how many attention and love i give to you
but i receive insatiable pain.
when you get me to start thinking of who i am.
as i am being nothing for you.
and it makes the stream of tears, drowning into my cheek.

you start hurting me.
not with only your words.
that even you won't see me at all.
this is an elusive dream for me.
that you will thinking of me.

do you know how hardest part of my single day.
that i keeping this feeling for ever.
and now i said.
i forgive you.
because the mean of forgive is for give
this is love i know. from you.
that love isn't always give and take.
even you sometimes forsake me. underestimate me.
for someone i didn't know whether he's really loving or you or not.

f*** it.
i'm enchanted to meet you.
i hate for waking up. starting my day.
just to know that you are so far from me.

this time i knew it.

if someday i won't be there to guide you and someone will take it back.
this is small present from me.
He sent from heaven that i'd prayed to God for you.
I'll carved your name in every tree.
i named you in my every night. Thousands time.
you will surely loved because how lovely you are for me.

dream on baby.
this time.
i take this dream with me.
i take my dream with you.
i've already kept it on my mind so no one steal it.
no one..
will have the same dream with me.

yes, i'm broken.
fix me..

-you don't want to?

*no need to worry.
i love you with every single piece of my broken heart.

Blogger Friends

This one for my Big Bro.

Sorry For late to Say. "Happy Birthday Again Mr.Denny Sitorus Torus"

This one from Gogo. :)


the deceased person i wished to meet.

setiap kali saya melihat foto keluarga saya serasa ada hal yang kurang.
kamu kak, Gabriel,orang yang tidak pernah saya temui sejak lahir.
saya hanya bisa dengar dari ibu saya.
kalau kamu meninggal sewaktu masih bayi.
ibu saya pernah bilang pada saya sewaktu saya masih kecil,
"Ibu menamainya Gabriel karena malaikat mengambilnya sewaktu masih kecil, tuhan terlalu sayang kepadanya, jadi dia dipanggil dalam usia yang masih muda"

kak, jika saya bisa bertemu kamu sekarang.
betapa saya berharap bisa dibelikan sepatu atau jam tangan baru.
bermain bola sepak atau bulutangkis di belakang rumah.
bercukur bersama.
kejar-kejaran di dalam rumah.
saling cerita tentang tipe wanita idaman kita.
seharusnya kamu 2 tahun lebih tua dari saya sekarang.
untuk berbagi kebahagiaan bersama saya.
seharusnya kamu disini kak, untuk bersama saya sewaktu saya patah hati pertama kali,
sewaktu saya wisuda, saat suatu saat saya menikah.

jika saya bertemu kamu di surga
seperti apa wajahmu?
jika saya punya kesempatan bertemu kamu?
bolehkah aku mengambil gambar kamu untuk saya beri ke ibu saya?

bolehkah saya memeluk kamu kak?

Paramore-You Are The Only Exception- Lyrics

When I was younger I saw my daddy cry
and curse at the wind.
He broke his own heart and I watched
as he tried to reassemble it.

And my momma swore
that she would never let herself forget.
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love if it does not exist.

But darling,
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.

Maybe I know somewhere
deep in my soul
that love never lasts.
And we've got to find other ways
to make it alone.
Or keep a straight face.
And I've always lived like this
keeping a comfortable distance.
And up until now I've sworn to myself
that I'm content with loneliness.

Because none of it was ever worth the risk.

Well you are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.

I've got a tight grip on reality,
but I can't let go of what's in front of me here.
I know you're leaving in the morning
when you wake up.
Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream.

You are the only exception. [x4]

You are the only exception. [x4]

And I'm on my way to believing.
Oh, and I'm on my way to believing.

NB: actually i don't like Paramore's song. but this is so cool.
suit me much.
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