A Day with Celine :D

This is the happy happy day.

I just meet my younger cousin, named celine
It's been so long since i meet her.
She's just 9 years old.
When we meet she's just alittle kid and now she's 9 years old!
and she asked me to make her an origami and i am so wanted to pinch her cheeks.
She is so cute..

Let me show you some of my photos with her :)

hahaha.. :D
she's so flirt when she did it.

She is so smart. she made some origami buttrfly.
I love butterfly and she love it too  :)
beside that, i made some frog origami.
and this ... :D

There some funny story to tell, include how she is so close to me as a brother and sister.
When I'm in her home.
and when she wants to sleep, she always ask me to read some story or tale, because if not she'll whimper and cry to me.
else, when i read it. in one minute she's already dead!
fall asleep.. she's cutest girl i've ever know..

haha. i remember when she's draw me this picture.
take a peek on this :D
a butterfly again...

ok, want to know what story between me and butterfly?
i tell you later.

Now, i will stay in salatiga for one more day.
and this week  i felt like i'm almost forgot all of my troubles
because this lovely child :D

Celine yang unyu... Thank you yah.... :D

Besok kita maen origami lagi...

Penulis : Lucky Kurniawan ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel A Day with Celine :D ini dipublish oleh Lucky Kurniawan pada hari 2011-10-10. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 1comments: di postingan A Day with Celine :D


  1. Celine cantik ya nard.. :)
    Look so fun, drawing and telling tale with a lil darling like her.. :)


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