My Fighting

There was my fighting,

my fighting with someone

Everytime we fought in the dark

And I never win

Then myself full of frightened and worried

Sadness and anger

Envious and hate

And hopeless finally came to me

he said to me with smile,

stop do everything,

‘you just spend your time, energy, and everything is useless,

because of that, stop to try’

I was absorbed... in his flattery

Fell into hole of emptiness without hope

And asked to myself

Repeat the same question,

is everything useless?

every my effort?

I remembered what I have done,

my last fighting,

where is I lose,

an absolute lose and showered down painfully

But above of all,

I developed slowly,

grew and deceived my match

I knew there was two sides in myself,

Side that wanted me to stop do everything,

And side that wanted me not to stop until I win

Finally I choosed,

I won’t stop,

until my last breath disappeared

unite with last life air

But now,

my eyes open widely,

get the reality

After my long fighting,

finally I win,

defeat my hardly match

And when the sun brights,

clean the long gloomy night,

I am very suprise,

see my match,

myself that lose,

myself that same with me but different with me,

myself that is myself but also is not myself

There is a strange feeling in my heart,

and I laugh

And I know

I will never lose again..

I will never lose again..

Poem created by "Rain"

Penulis : Lucky Kurniawan ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel My Fighting ini dipublish oleh Lucky Kurniawan pada hari 2009-12-10. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 1comments: di postingan My Fighting


  1. dont lose yourself
    get FOCUS
    ignore all unnecessary things.

    get yourself uplifted and win!
    i know you did that once.
    and you can !!

    keep fighting !


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