A Boy and A Girl

Once upon a time. There was a boy
the boy love a girl.
but so does the girl.

the story began at age of six
He loved her so
And everyday
He'd let her know

"I love you"
He'd say each day
She'd just laugh
And run away

Till one day
She turned around
And sat with him
On the playground

Every morning they would meet beside the big oak tree.
In the summer, they would play together in the sun
And sit beneath the big oak tree when the day was done.

One time when they were talking of growing up some day
They agreed they'd meet back there and maybe even stay.
By the big oak tree they could build a little home
And they would be together and neither one would roam.

When boy was thirteen and the girl soon would be,
They stood together one last time beside the big oak tree.
girl had to leave for his family soon would move.
He took his pocketknife and in the big oak made a groove.

The groove was boy's simple way of giving her his word.
As he spoke so softly, this is what girl heard:
"On your eighteenth birthday, I'll return to our oak tree.
Then we will be together forever--you and me."

the boy soon to be grown up, high school came.
the boy are excited to met the girl he's loved
They met again.
They laughed about
The things back then

They began to date
And the boy soonly fell in love
He got the girl
That he'd dreamed of
the girl was so happy to know that the boy ask him to go date with her.

the boy wears black shirt and the girl wear green.
they met in coffee shop.
when they boy put her eyes shivery on the girl.
the girl giggling.
she's hold his hand in her hands.
when the girl quickly kissed him.
the boy was shocked.
and they stare on each other.

They began to dance
Their old romance

Two years later
She became his wife
They'd be together
All of their life

They went on a drive
When it was no longer light
They drove down the roads
Of the starry night

The music came on
She started to sing
He whispered, "You're my everything"
silent word hold forth between them
and silently the girl sleep in his arms.

they start to build a little house.
not big, but comfortable for them
...near the oak tree..
with garden.. and a lot of flower.

their love grows stronger and stronger when
the matter came.
the boy get cancer.
but he didn't tell the girl about this...

everyday, after the boy came back from the work.
the boy will hug her tight, like never let her go.
everyday. the boy make some candle in his house,
and when the girl see it.
the boy will close her eyes.
led her into the candle.
and they will dance beside the candle.
and when the girl going to sleep.
the boy will kiss her brow, down to nose,and deep down kiss her lips.
when his lips touch her lips.
the boy soonly to cry
but stand and shed her tears.
and say goodnight tenderly to her

one day.
the boy left his house.
with no words. he left one letter to his girl.

"I love you so much
It's always been true
But you'll find someone else
And you'll love again too
I never wished to end like this but i hope you find your happiness"

"No," he cried
"It's always been you
I don't want someone else
I only want you"

she's confused.
she's ran out.
looking for her angel.

when the girl ran away she's drive in to the big oak tree.

there was a boy
standing there.

the girl came slowly.
and hug her unseenly.
And there on that oak tree
they were spent last time together.
Is where she cried
Hugging her love
As he slowly died.

so every years..
the girl would came..
came to see her grave..
and put her hands in the old groove that the boy made.
and say..
"you will be here. in my heart.
and as long i have you..
i am yours. forever,,, just wait for me.."



this writing goes to you.
lady in my dream.. lady of my sunshine
this is not yearning of being lose you.
this is not all the pain i've felt before.
this is just the part of them.

when you saying something i can't understand
with my heart and my mind.
when you are never be there when i'm sad.
though i will still here be with you.
for ever.

yet i know love is not a calculation
of how much i give all i have to you.
how many attention and love i give to you
but i receive insatiable pain.
when you get me to start thinking of who i am.
as i am being nothing for you.
and it makes the stream of tears, drowning into my cheek.

you start hurting me.
not with only your words.
that even you won't see me at all.
this is an elusive dream for me.
that you will thinking of me.

do you know how hardest part of my single day.
that i keeping this feeling for ever.
and now i said.
i forgive you.
because the mean of forgive is for give
this is love i know. from you.
that love isn't always give and take.
even you sometimes forsake me. underestimate me.
for someone i didn't know whether he's really loving or you or not.

i'm enchanted to meet you.
i hate for waking up. starting my day.
just to know that you are so far from me.

this time i knew it.

if someday i won't be there to guide you and someone will take it back.
this is small present from me.
He sent from heaven that i'd prayed to God for you.
i named you in my every night. Thousands time.
that you will surely loved because how lovely you are for me.

dream on baby.
this time.
i take this dream with me.
i take my dream with you.
i've already kept it on my mind so no one steal it.
no one..
will have the same dream with me.

yes, i'm broken.
fix me.

-you don't want to?

*no need to worry.
i love you with every single piece of my broken heart.


How Lucky I Am

bercerita tentang masa lalumu, membuatku sadar akan beberapa hal.
bahwa betapa buruknya saya sewaktu dulu.saya mengejarmu membabi buta,
saya sadar cinta itu lama-lama berubah jadi obsesi.

ini bukanlah apa yang seharusnya saya lakukan,
bukan awal mimpi saya bersama kamu yang terpenting.
bahwa kamu dan saya bertemu di satu titik percabangan antara hidupmu dan hidup saya.
sekarang itu sudah membuat saya sadar.
betapa berharganya saya.
betapa beruntungnya saya memiliki kamu dalam hidup saya.
udara pagi dan mentari yang saya hirup ketika pagi hari.
gadis berponi lucu saya.
yang tidak hentinya membuat saya tertawa tanpa alasan ketika saya melihatmu.

"you are the words that i type, the thought in my head, the sigh in my throat.
I am yours now.
every little piece of me belongs to you.
is because of you.
every dream, every moan, every smile, every moments is you, and belongs solely to you.
i am not about to believe love,
never believed on happiness, and certainly not in romance.

i never believe that i will falling asleep with this grin on this face,
i never believe that my tears that filling my eyes when i'm losing you, will became a happiness,
i was cynical, was..

i'm feel like i can do anything, that i'm handsome enough, it's not because i wasn't there before,
it was there, sleeeping, writing,
waiting for you.
come to your life,
your warmth and depth

it needed to take a root of happiness.
other than anxiety,
other than the sadness.

then i found you,
and I came alive.

you are so... perfect gift for me.


My Favorite Internet Friend

Uhm. UHm.
Oh there's some friends i would like to introduce to all of you.
1. Melia. Oh she is a really good person..
i still remember when we all chat till our eyes drowse in the late of night.
we talk about food, lessons, boys she's falling in love with, my girlfriend.
we chat about everyday. ;p
she is a good listener and i'm a good story teller
2. abang kodok (www.painting-the-sky.blogspot.com)
i still remember when we usually kick something around, less important than the topic itself.
we usually debate about the world war, how mussolini died, how the birds can fly and the chicken can't
is the founder of the 'chute-de-vous name. and i don't really like the name as i knew the meaning of it.
thx abang denny unyuk.
3. hana (hanalicious.wordpress.com)
she bring me on to serious topic.
and she's made me know about the modern poem and many more. culture, movies.
4. Gogo (intogogo.blogspot.com)
here's my friend of nowhere, God blessed us with so many people we destined to met, even i've never met her. but she's now one my of my sister as i'm really dreamt i have one in my life!

i really lucky to be have friends like you all!

*PS: sorry for inconsistent word. i've wrote this on my own words i know. :0
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