week 35

Life is a battlefield and we are all a soldier
and you know what made a good soldier?
It's not bitterness, rageand thirst for vengeance
but the ability to stay calmin every circumstances
and the strong will to survive...

Some of us, I believe,
might have gone thru that before,
maybe around their age, or older, maybe younger...

depend on that i'm survive,
going and bounce from one week to another.
and i'm grateful for that.

All I want you to know is,
that I know that "I" am not alone,
that life can be rough and constant taunt can be tough
but I got to hold on for you.
cos I believe the good things are yet to happen.
if it will be come true or not,
it doesn't really matter again.

Changing Your Heart


you live your live by changing your heart to the better place.
the place that's hasn't deceive or loss.

just listen to your heart.
listen to the person who loves you, gonna make a space for you to breath.

even if you don't love her too.
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