Jolin Tsai ft. Nick - Da Zhang Fu (Real Man) mp3 download


Wo zhen de gao bu tai dong ni zen me hui xuan ze ji mo

I just don't really get it, why would you choose to be lonely

yao de tong tong dou you jiu shao le na yi ge nan peng you
You've got everything you want, you just need a boyfriend

ni hai yao ging duo jiu ni dao di tiao shen me
How long you gonna hold out for, what're you being so picky about?

ting bi shuo de duo bu pa wo luo suo
Listens more than he talks, won't think I'm slow

zhi dao wo nan guo pei zhe wo chen mo
Knows when I'm down, stays with me in silence

shou ji zhuo bu zhi you wo hen duo tian mi xiao dong zuo
Only I'm on his cell wallpaper, lots of sweet little gestures

zi ji chi fan mei wei kou shua ka zhi qian xian wen wo
Doesn't have an appetite eating by himself, asks me before he takes out his card

xi huan wo peng you ye hui ai wo de gou
Likes my friends, and will love my dog

dong huan bao ai di qiu bao hu wo xiang ying xiong
Knows about the environment and loving the earth, protects me like a hero

zong shi da fang jiu shao wo shen me jie ri dou ji de
Always openly introduces me, remembers every holiday

pei wo jian fei chi ping guo bang wo mai kou hong
Eats apples with me when I'm losing weight, buys lipstick for me

*I don't wanna boyfriend, I need a real man
*I don't wanna boyfriend, I need a real man

cheng shi de zui ke kao de jian wen rou de yan
An honest mouth, a reliable shoulder, gentle eyes

I don't wanna boyfriend, I need a real man
I don't wanna boyfriend, I need a real man

Real man real man real man real man
Real man real man real man real man

he shi chu xian? (x4)
When will he appear? (x4)

hui wan hui gong zuo hui feng hui sheng huo
Knows how to work and play, knows how to be crazy and live life

hui xia chu hui yun dong hui ai hui zuo meng
Knows how to cook and play sports, knows how to love and dream

you xiang nan hai you cheng shu dui wo da fang zi ji kou
Like a boy but also mature, is generous to me but doesn't spend on him self

jiao wo jue zhao da dian dong shen me dou you wo
Teaches me video game tricks, does everything with me

Repeat *

(rap) I be your real man
(rap) I be your real man

he shi chu xian? (x4)
When will he appear? (x4)

wo xian zai you yi dian tong gai zen me jie jue ni ji mo
I understand a little now, how to get rid of your loneliness

ni shuo le liang san fen zhong wo yuan yi huan liang san nian qu zuo
What you talked about for 2 or 3 minutes, I'm willing to take 2 or 3 years to do

ji ran ni ging hen jiu yao bu yao deng deng wo
Since you've been holding out for so long, do you wanna wait for me

da zhang fu shua ku shua wen rou jian bang shen me dou kang de dong
A real man playing cool, acting gentle, he can bear any burden on his shoulders

wo zui chun qing qing dong yi dong jiu zhi dao wo zai xiang shen me
My lips just move slightly and he knows what I'm thinking

just show me one real man
Just show me one real man

shi xiang quan nan real man
A man of ten talents, real man

repeat * (x2)

Tarot Gratis

The Empress The Death The Hierophant

“At any rate, I am convinced that God does not play dice” – Albert Einstein


Download here.

Nature is as it is, it will tell no lies, only purity. It will care for those who care for it and it will destroy those who are destroying it. It can be a friend or foe, and sometimes, nature shows its force without any understandable reason.

Here Is what I’ve learnt from Tarot, the powerful card reading. According to the ancient Romans, a Tarot card reading is what nature sees or saw in us all the time. Nature has always been there since before we were born and will continue on to be there when we cease to exist. Nature would still be there after we are gone, unless it is the time for nature to end.

A person with good understanding of nature, utilize the Tarot cards to help others, in order to obtain certain information which they do not yet know, to better them self in life or to see what went wrong and even try to prevent a bad event from happening

So I have to say that the Tarot Reading isn’t deviating ones. In the era of the great Roman Empire, these cards were recorded in history as one of the cards that was used for playing card games.

Each of the cards have a special picture, numbers and a specific subject which acts as a representation of the natural human characteristics.

The main purpose of Tarot reading was not to foretold or predicts the future. It was also not to justify or to condemn a person to a state of unchangeable events.

Another question may rise, why does the past have to be revealed in the cards?

Past events act as evidence to those who might have doubts about whether the reading is correct or false. The past can also describe the cause of any of the current matter that has already happened or what might happen.

Now if someone asks, can I do it over and over again? Or, why is the second or third reading is somewhat irrelevant?

Yes, logically we can do things over and over again, but then again the result will not be the same as the first one. In many believefs and religions in many civilizations, we also know that the first time of every single thing is the original, the one, the unrepeatable (example; the 1st man on the moon, the 1st man who circle the earth and so on) and the first is always the winner not second, not third. Other than the reference to mathematical law, as for the cause of it, it is still a mystery of life.

Then again, a life without a mystery is not a life at all, is it not...

Sangat banyak Orang tidak mempercayai Ramalan tapi menikmatinya sebagai hiburan yang tentu saja tidak akan menghasilkan apa-apa kecuali sifat menghibur. Mungkin akan lebih baik jika mulai mempercayai ramalan terutama Tarot karena itu akan menghasilkan pola pikir yang positif dan berguna bagi jalan hidup sebenarnya yang kita hadapi.


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Thank you for being my mother

A Mothers Love
To some love is just a word
To me it's a feeling, A feeling
I get everytime I look into your eyes
A feeling I get when I realize you're my mom
A mom who loves, shares, A mom who inspires
What's that?
That's love
A mothers love, but only you would know
And me..
You returned that love time and time again
Possibly to much, nevertheless you did
Thank-you for being there when I needed you most
For being my rock when I should have been yours
Thank-you for believing in me, even when I doubted myself
For being the one person I could trust
No matter what, no matter where
But most of all thank-you for being you-my mom
A mom I am so proud to claim
I love you
Now and forever...

Untukku ini hanyalah sebuah pasir di tengah pantai..

bagiku engkau sudah seperti ibuku sendiri... ibu yang melindungiku, menyayangiku..

engkau adalah alasan untuk aku selalu melakukan yang terbaik..

Bahkan disaat yang paling sulit pun engkau selalu ada..
Mungkin aku hanya bermimpi untuk memiliki ibu sepertimu, tapi mengapa begitu terasa kasihmu untukku dan keluargaku??

Thank you..

thank you for being my mother, Tante Liliana...

or should I called you Mom now???


Apa arti rumah bagimu?
Sekedar bangunan ‘kah?
Hanya sebagai tempat tinggal?
Atau bahkan malah tempat berkumpul segala masalah?

Aku memang tak tahu,
seperti apa rumahmu,
bagaimana kau dibesarkan,
bagaimana kau tumbuh dan berkembang

Namun bagiku,
rumah lebih dari segalanya,
tempat kubelajar pertama kali,
tempat kumenuangkan perasaanku,
tempat kumelepas lelah,
tempat di mana aku bisa menjadi diriku sendiri,
tempat yang bisa mengembalikan senyumku yang tlah menjadi kenangan,
dan tempat ku selalu berpulang,
yang disambut senyum orang-orang yang kucintai

satu-satunya di dunia ini,
tidak akan pernah tergantikan,
dan kuharap begitu juga bagimu

Poem: by my lit'l sis "Rain"


Akhir-akhir ini gue dapet game Monopoly Portable dari temen gue, mayan tuh bisa langsung dimaenin di flashdisk dan gag perlu diinstall, cukup copy-paste aja.

Bagi temen-temen yang pengen download, dapat temen-temen download disini.

Sebenarnya, saya sangat membenci permainan ini. Kenapa???? Jawabannya simple, karena saya selalu saja kalah telak. Maen ama temen gue?? Gue diketawain karena selalu sial, kalo temen gue uda ketawa-ketiwi liat duit monopoli gue yang tinggal seceng, aku langsung nyuri-nyuri kesempatan untuk ngambil duit monopoli mereka (Gw sendiri heran, bakat klepto gue langsung besar sehabis maen ini)

Maen ama computer apalagi. Dan kalo uda kalah gitu aku langsung teriak-teriak.


“I hate being loser..”


WIN: 5 (maen ma adek gue yang masi kecil-kecil)

LOSE: puluhan kali (Fiuhh)

Yap, entah kenapa dengan gue kalo maen game-game yang mengandalkan luck, dan strategy ini gue pasti kalah. Hal paling sial, contohnya, temen gue (si Andrew) bisa ngumpulin satu kompleks yang berwarna ijo. Dia sendiri bilang, “ASIK, gue bikin hotel ah!”.

Begitu dia bikin hotel, giliran gue maen, gue bersemangat, gue mengincar terminal yang persis di samping (setelah) kompleks si Andrew, “CIATTTT!!” gue melemparkan dadu ke udara, temen gue, Andrew mulai menyingkir, takut si dadu nyasar ke matanya, dadu berputar-putar dengan indah bagai pemain balet, dadu berputar makin lambat, GW teriak, “Ayo angka 8, keluuuuuuuuuarlaaaahhhhhhh!!”. Temen gue mulai menyiapkan tali untuk mengikat Gue yang overexcited. Temen gue yang laen mungkin menyangka gue gila, mereka ketawa liat gue (ato ngeri dan sedih liat temennya yang ganteng ini menjadi gila?). Entahlah!

VOILA, Dadu-dadu ternyata tidak bersahabat dengan Gil. Malang tak dapat diraih, Untung tak dapat ditolak (bener gag ye!!, gue lupa). Keluarnya angka 8…

Wajah gue membiru. Gue mau muntah. Sambil gue memberi uang dan asset terakhir gue sama si Andrew, Gue menyatakan diri Bankrupt.

Temen gue yang laen? Gag pernah berdiri di kompleksnya Andrew.

NB: Gue kapok maen monopoli????

Gag juga... mari kita tanding. Bagi yang mau, hubungi saya. GIL NOCTURNE.

Bagi yang menang dapet hadiah dari Gil berupa undangan (ntraktir) makan dengan si Gil ekslusif di restoran mewah.

Bagi yang kalah, juga akan mendapat hadiah, berupa.. jeng jeng jeng….

Tanda Tangan Gil Nocturne, plus kartu nama Gil, dibaliknya bertuliskan, COBA LAGI TAHUN DEPAN, PECUNDANG…HAHAHA (ketawa setan!)

Okey, keep playing.

Tepuk Pramuka..

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